Oct 6, 2023

Brake pads are a vital part of your Acura brake system. The pads pinch the rotors and slow down your car by creating friction. It’s critical that your pads are always thick enough to slow down and stop your vehicle. Below, your Acura dealer helps you determine when to replace the pads on your MDX, RDX, or TLX to ensure you and your passengers are safe on the road.

Advice From Your Acura Dealer: How Often Should You Replace Your Acura’s Brake Pads?

Factors That Influence Pad Life

There is no hard and fast rule of when pads must be replaced because many factors influence how long they will last. The lifespan of pads differs from one vehicle to another and from driver to driver.

For instance, drivers who frequently drive in heavy traffic tend to use their brakes more often than someone who drives on open country roads that use their brakes far less. Some drivers tend to ride the brake, which means they apply brakes more frequently than necessary, causing the pads to wear thin faster.

Pad Thickness

When we talk about pad thickness, we refer to the thickness of the materials that make up the pad, such as the friction material, rubberized coating, and thermal insulation coating. Generally, the standard thickness of pads when they are new is between 8 and 12 millimeters.

However, the friction material deteriorates over time and with use, resulting in pad wear. For the pads to function correctly, their thickness should be more than 6.4 millimeters. If the thickness goes below 3.2 millimeters, the pads become unreliable and must be replaced as soon as possible.


Pads are generally considered good between 30,000 to 40,000 miles in urban areas. In less demanding situations like highway driving in light traffic or on open roads in rural areas, pads may last 80,000 miles or even longer.

How often you need to replace the pads depends on your driving habits, the roads you use, the traffic conditions, and the quality of the pads. The best way to ensure your pads are always thick enough to keep you safe behind the wheel is to follow the factory-recommended maintenance intervals. 

Brake Inspections and Replacements

When you take your Acura for a maintenance service at the factory-recommended intervals, the Acura technician will perform a comprehensive brake inspection to ensure your vehicle’s brake system is in perfect working order. The technician will examine the pads, measure the thickness, and replace the pads if worn.

Your Acura owner’s manual contains your model’s service schedule, maintenance intervals, and brake system inspection information. You can also speak to your Acura technician for assistance. 

Rely on your Acura technician to ensure your vehicle’s braking system is in excellent condition. Contact Open Road Acura of East Brunswick today to schedule a brake system inspection. Our qualified Acura technicians perform a thorough inspection, measure the pads, and perform an expert replacement using top-quality pads.